New Years ~ the time of a fresh brand new year ahead of us! It’s an exciting time of hope and new starts ~ that being said, I often find people commenting that they are happy to see the last year ending, now some may have had a legitimately hard year, perhaps they have lost someone precious. In my personal circle alone, this year, I know two Mothers who have had to bury their child. To me, that’s the greatest hardship ~ the trump card of all hardships ~ it’s hard to lose anyone dear to you but it’s not the natural order of things for a mother to bury a child. It’s hard to lose a parent, of course but in theory you know as their child it’s your duty to bury them, they should not be burying you. But I digress, I only bring this up because although life can sometimes dish out some real wallops, we often, in those moments, feel like it’s the hardest, largest mountain we’ve ever had to climb. Not to belittle anyone’s troubles, of course, there are many who are legitimately suffering and having truly troubled times, but have you had to bury your child this past year? No?
So how big are your troubles now?
The reason I am asking this is not to be harsh or uncaring but I want you to look at the perspective. I also want to bring up the concept of gratitude. So let’s circle back around to those that are commenting on Social Media that this year “sucked” and they’re glad to see it over ~ I often find those who can’t wait to slam the door on last year are the same people who will be wanting to slam the door on next year and the year after that and the year after that. It’s like they are on some terrible merry go round that they have gotten themselves stuck on.
The first step, as is true, with any form of healing, is for the patient must first recognize there’s a problem, an issue, an imbalance of some kind, ~ healing is always more successful when the soul involved is part of their own healing process. That being said, what if instead of saying good riddance to the passing year ~ after all it’s on its “death bed” so to speak.
What if we honored it? What if we are thankful for the 365 days we were given ~ remember we were given those days, each single, precious one of them ~ and they can’t all have been bad! Some were not so lucky, they weren’t given all 365 days, but you were and you want to slam the door on them. What if, instead you were grateful for each of those days for good or bad. Perhaps this coming year is the year you don’t get all 365 days ~ morbid I know, but go with me on this, it’s something to think about. But being a mostly cheerful and optimistic but attracted to the dark Lady Rose, that I am ~ I like to balance my unicorns and lollipops with a little bit of a nod to darkness and death. It’s something we all have to experience, eventually, and if we are mindful, purposeful and grateful about the time we have been given ~ Life in general, you may find, will be full and bountiful.
Moving forward to welcoming the New Year will have more meaning as we gently and respectfully lay the year behind us to rest in peace in our memories ~ what’s done is done. Not every day was a rainy one. Be thankful for the lessons (even the hard ones) learn from them (that’s your gift) be thankful for the challenges, for you may have to face them again ~ but with loving, judge free reflection on these you can know when presented with your challenges again ~ you will face them with a new found grace and strength. Look for the good in the past year, even if it was a hard year – there’s good in there.
By laying this passing year to rest with the honor and dignity it deserves (for it was your year, your time, your gift – honor it) that fresh, clean slate, let’s take on the world, this will be the best year ever feeling is more lasting and more powerful.
In my New Year’s Mini HEAP Sessions
Lady Rose will guide you on how to make no fail resolutions!
You’ll learn some sure fire techniques of Abundance and how to fast track you, your life and your business/career into success!
So if you want to be successful in this coming New Year Book Lady Rose today!
This mini Session is on right now till Dec 31st midnight for only $45! (Book your session anytime in January) After midnight it’s $55.
Check out my Facebook group ~ The HEAP of Abundance Society
Happy New Year my darlings!