The power is yours, my Darling.

Take a journey with Lady Rose.

Learn from her years of study & experience in the arcane mystical arts of how to purposely create your own Happily Ever After. Beginning with a unique approach of a study of the Tarot, she will guide you through the secrets of the Major Arcana ~ show you the secret language & symbols that are there to guide you through life’s biggest lessons towards a path of happiness & complete fulfillment! As Ontario’s only Fulfillment Facilitator she will show you Ancient Rituals, magical elements, energy directions & language Patterns to name a few techniques that will finally show you how to attract ANYTHING YOU DESIRE (those are big words but I stand by them) so you can finally start living your life with energy, passion, purpose & that blissful knowing ~ You ARE on the Right Path, you ARE on the path to your true & complete fulfillment… starting right Now!

I call myself a shadow worker, a Fulfillment Facilitator

I’m not your typical energy worker or life coach – when you work with me -we talk about your dark side, your dark times, your light side, your lovers, your career, your family, your hopes, your dreams and your souls potentials. I not only help you navigate the white water rapids of life (that many life coaches are great at doing) the difference with me is – I will show you how to pick up that river of life and change the entire flow and even show you how to change the entire path of that river – taking you to the exact place you want to be! With me you don’t have to follow the river of life when I show how to change it!
I fall in love with my darling clients! I am tearfully in awe of your beautiful, powerful soul! It brings me such joy to introduce you to who you are and rejoice in your successes! I love to create success with you by tapping into the skills & talents that you have had since birth!
I also love the shadows and enter them fearlessly to explore them with you ~ for it’s often in the dark (if guided correctly) that our greatest growth happens. I am here to nurture you into the sunshine and to even love the rainy days.

Many programs (that perhaps you have seen and read about) are cookie cutter and being a big girl – I personally know that one size does not fit all. I work with you and together we custom build the content that is best for you, that puts you in alignment with your soul’s highest harmony.

Do you feel you were meant for more?

Do feel life has kicked you a lot, perhaps even beaten you down?
It’s a brave step to take that first step and I know it’s scary. Where’s the money going to come from? Or the time – will I have the time? These are blocks by the way -that you are automatically putting up ( we talk about that too – once your eyes are opened – I will show you all the blocks (and don’t worry darlings I was guilty of it too) that you are right now automatically creating in your life and that’s part of why things are hard why getting ahead is a struggle ( even some days are hard to get out of bed – am I right? I was there my darling! Let me help you up and out of this spot- there’s so much greatness here for you, allow me to show – it would be such a joy for me, truly)
So if you have the courage take that first step and don’t worry about the rest the money and the time will come. If you really are ready for your Happily Ever After – the first step is easy – message me for an appointment (even if it’s just to talk about how HEAP can help you create your true and ever lasting Happily Ever After.

Much love to you all my darlings,

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